7 Reasons Why Your Home Needs a Kitchen Renovation
Kitchen remodeling, from simple appliance or cabinet replacement to a complete renovation, is one of the most popular home improvement projects undertaken today. Many agree this is the case because the kitchen is the center of the home and the hub of activity. While this is true, a kitchen renovation project is a huge undertaking. Even though […]
5 Living Room Remodel Ideas That’ll Increase Your Home Value
Whether a market high or market slump, homes without added value have trouble selling. If you’re planning a big retirement by downsizing, smart home renovations are the way to go. From curb to the kitchen, buyers spend more time surveying the living room over every other room. So putting together clever living room remodel ideas is the […]
5 of the Best Home Upgrades to Add Resale Value
You could lose $18,000 by having a high-end kitchen remodel done before selling your home. This is just one of many home upgrades that will cost you far more than you’re getting back in resale value. We want you to avoid these bad home improvement ideas and instead go with one of the best home upgrades you […]